Open your browser and navigate to and log into Outlook. 

Stanly sign in page screenshot

Once logged in, select the Office 365 icon at the top left of the page.

On the installation page select office 2016 from the Install Office apps drop down box. 

Select the Save button to save it in the downloads folder, or another location on your computer, or run if available.

Wait for the file to download. Start the install process by selecting run now button, or find the file in the downloads folder and double click on it. You should see the screen below once its starts. 

The suite should install and you will received a completion message once done. 

Open Word and follow the prompts to activate office 365. Be sure to use your SCC Email and Password to active Office 365 once prompted. It will take you to the Stanly Community College log in page. 

If you’re having issues logging in, or needing technical assistance, then please contact SCC Tech Support by calling 704-991-0222, sending an email to [email protected], or through live chat. You can access chat by going to and look for the yellow chat widget at the bottom of the page. SCC Tech Support normal business hours are from 7:00am to 8:00pm Monday through Friday.